Police Academy

Who We Are

In 1890, the St. James Barracks was first officially used for the training of police officers. This also marked a turning point in the history of the Service, whereby, not only recruits receive training, but also for the first time older members of the then Police Force received firearms training. This also marked the first time that the local officers were issued with arms and ammunition to be used in the exercise/conduct of their duties. Today, the Police Academy, as it is now known, continues to train new recruits and conduct courses for probationers, as well as, Management and Refresher Courses for serving members. Some of these courses are conducted in conjunction with the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT). Professional Management Consultants are also engaged as resource personnel for senior management courses.

What we do

  • Train recruits in police duties, criminal and traffic laws
  • Provide firearms training for recruits
  • Provide continuous training for members of the Police Service
  • Responsible for provision of personnel for parades
  • Provide training for other public and private  organisations


Police Academy, Samaan Drive, St. James
Phone: (868) 622-3171
Email: policeacademy@ttps.gov.tt