Firearm User's License

You must be in possession of a valid Firearm User’s License issued by the Commissioner of Police to carry and use a firearm in Trinidad and Tobago.

Any company, business group or individual can apply for a Firearm User’s License. You must be at least 25 years of age to apply.

The Firearm User’s License application process has two steps.
Step 1: You must obtain a Provisional License that authorises you to discharge a firearm at a specific shooting range for the purpose of training in the use of the firearm. You can obtain a copy of the Provisional License application form from the Government Printery at the address at the bottom of this page. The form should be completed in accordance with the included instructions and returned, together with the following documents, to the TTPS Firearms Section.
  • Two passport-sized photographs of the applicant.
  • A Certificate of Character issued by the Commissioner of Police not less than three months prior to the date of application. For information on how to obtain a Certificate of Character click here.
  • A specimen of the signature of the person to whom the License is to be issued.
The Provisional License expires two months from the date of issue. You may apply for a Firearm User’s License once your Provisional License has expired.
Step 2: You can obtain a copy of the Firearm User’s License application form from the Firearms Section of TTPS. The form should be completed in accordance with the included instructions and returned, together with the following documents, to the TTPS Firearms Section.
  • Two passport-sized photographs of the applicant.
  • A Certificate of Character issued by the Commissioner of Police not less than three months prior to the date of application.
  • A specimen of the signature of the person to whom the License is to be issued.
  • A Certificate of Competence issued by a licensed firearms instructor.

All applications are processed by the TTPS with input, where necessary, from the Immigration Authority, Customs and Excise and the Industrial Inspection Supervisor. Applicants are notified within 15 business days of TTPS’s decision. If an application for a License is rejected, the applicant can appeal the TTPS’s decision through the Firearms Appeal Board. More information about the appeal process can be found by following the link below. Appealing to the Firearms Appeal Board

There is no fee for a Provisional License or a Firearm User’s License.
For more information, please contact the Firearms Section of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. You can also view the amendment Firearms (Amendment) Act 2004.
The Firearms Section
Trinidad and Tobago Police Service
2nd Floor
Trinidad House
Corner of St. Vincent and Treasury Streets
Port of Spain Trinidad
West Indies
Tel. (868) 627-4140
Fax. (868) 623-2620
Opening hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except on public holidays
The Government Printery Division
55-57 Eteck Park,
Frederick Settlement,
Tel: (868) 662-4877
Fax: (868) 662-4988


Persons who applied for a Firearm User’s License before 2015 and are awaiting approval, should resubmit the following documents to the Office of the Commissioner of Police, located at Police Administration Building, Port of Spain:

  1. A Certificate of Good Character;
  2. Psychological Evaluation;
  3. Proof of Change of Address (where applicable);
  4. Proof of Change in Marital Status (where applicable).”